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Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a fabulous week celebrating the end of a very busy and exciting first term at St Mary’s.
Tuesday’s K-2 Eggstravaganza was a very special day for our school community. Our senior students put a lot of energy into organising the Easter activities for the students in K-2, their younger siblings and preschool aged friends. Many of our parents and visitors commented on the wonderful leadership shown by our Stage 3 students and the quality of the EGGstravaganza activities. A special thank you to Mrs Carla Durnan, Mrs Fran Devonald, Mrs Jessie White, Mrs Gen Schofield and all of the staff who contributed to organising the day and making it so great.
Yesterday's K-12 Combined School’s Mass was a very special occasion for the students and staff from St Marys, St Bernard’s and Carroll College. Our students were beautifully behaved and reverant throughout the Mass. Being able to mix and play with their friends from St Bernard’s while eating Easter Snacks was the icing on the cake! Thank you to Mrs Gen Scholfleld and the other Religious Education Coordinators for organising such a major liturgical celebration.
A Special Welcome
We welcome Skyla and Milah as they join us at St Marys. The students in Years 1 and 3 were excited to have another child join their class. Both girls look like they have been with us for years!
From the beginning of next term, Mrs Carla Durnan will be teaching Year 2 together on Fridays. Mrs Devonald and Mrs Durnan will continue to have their own Year 2 classes on Mondays to Thursdays although most teaching is done together. We thank Mrs Wendy Hackett for her work with Year 2 and wish her all the best for her long awaited trip overseas. Mrs Hackett will be back teaching casually with us later in the year.
Open Day Kindergarten 2024
Please see attached our flyer for our Open Day this year, Wednesday 3 May. Our Open Day is a great opportunity for prospective and current families to see our school in action and hear about our supportive and nurturing school community. We will be having a presentation and information session, and it will be an opportunity to meet our leadership team, staff and current student leaders. Our senior students will be taking visitors on tours around the school.
Special School Lunch
Last week, I had the honour of taking ten St Mary’s students out to lunch because they deserved something a bit special. These children were chosen by Mrs Heffernan and myself because they have been noticed for being particularly kind to others.
It was lovely to be able to sit down and chat with the children and watch them interact with each other. Several members of the community commented on their beautiful manners and behaviour. Congratulations to the children and the parents of Nicholas A, Ginger R, Billie B, Lewis McA, Mackenzie H, Nathan B, Lucy T, Fiona S, Isaac B and Axel S. They are a credit to you.
Next time, Mitchell W and Neiva P will join the ‘I am Safe’ students, as they were absent on the day.
It is truly a privilege to lead such a wonderful school community as St Mary’s. On behalf of the staff, I thank you for trusting your child/ren to us and your support during Term One. I wish you all a safe and Happy Easter with your families and look forward to seeing everyone back next term.
Noeleen O’Neill
Dear Parents, Carers, Boys and Girls,
On Tuesday 25 April we will commemorate ANZAC day and acknowledge the service of men and women serving their country and pursuing peace. We would like to encourage as many of our students K-6 to represent St Mary’s and attend one of the ANZAC services being held on that day.
The ANZAC Dawn Service at Tuross Head will be held at the Memorial Gardens, Plantation Point and the service begins at 5:30am. Students who are attending this service are asked to be at the Memorial Gardens by 5:20am. Mae (Year 6) has been invited to lead the Lord’s Prayer and lay the wreath at this service.
The ANZAC Service and march at Tomakin begins at the Rivermouth Cafe, corner Sunpatch and Kingston Parades. Students are asked to assemble here at 6:40am and then begin the march at 7:00am to the Tomakin Sports and Social Club where the service will take place. During the service a wreath will be laid by student representatives from St Mary’s when they are called.
Students wishing to join the march in Moruya are asked to meet at Russ Martin Park (opposite Adelaide Hotel) at 10:40am. The march will begin at 11am and move along Vulcan St, left into Mirrabooka Avenue and then left into Page Street to the RSL Memorial Hall. Here there will be an ANZAC commemoration and wreath laying where student representatives from St Mary’s will lay a wreath.
Students are asked to wear their full school uniform when attending these ANZAC services. We thank you in advance for representing our school at this very important occasion.
Catholic School K-12 Pathways Events
As part of our K-12 Catholic Schools Pathway, we have the following events happening during Catholic Schools Week (Term 2 Week 2). Events such as these where we join with St Bernard’s, Batehaven and Carroll College, Broulee provide our students with rich learning experiences as well as fostering long term positive relationships with peers from across the three schools.
On Monday 1 May, our Year 6 students will travel to St Bernard’s at Batehaven for a combined Year 6 Leadership Day. It will be a wonderful opportunity for our students to come together and explore a range of concepts including building positive relationships, teamwork, resilience and following their dreams.
The theme of the day will be: “People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together.” –Michelle Obama
Teddy Bears Picnic
On Tuesday 2 May, St Mary’s will be hosting a Teddy Bears Picnic for the Kinder students from St Mary’s and St Bernards, and some special helpers from Carroll College. The Kinder students will complete a number of different activities and have a special picnic lunch with their teddy bear and new Kinder friends.
Parent Information Evening with Dr Lorraine Hammond
On Thursday 4 May at 5:30pm, Dr Lorraine Hammond will be facilitating a Parent Workshop for our K-12 community on ‘How the brain learns to read, the best way to teach it and how you can help at home’.
We hope that as many of our parents are able to attend this workshop which will be held in the Carroll College hall. Childcare will be provided.
Happy Easter
I wish our St Mary’s community a very happy and blessed Easter. I hope over the school holiday break everyone has a chance to relax and enjoy special times with their families.
Take care and God bless,
Sue Heffernan
Assistant Principal
Dear Families,
Our Combined Schools Mass was a celebration to remember. Yesterday all students and staff from St Mary’s, St Bernard’s and Carroll College gathered together to celebrate mass with Fr. Anthony and Fr. Loi presiding. It was very special to be able to join together as one community in a celebration of love and service during Holy Week. We thank Sharon Beaschel from St Bernards and the staff at Carroll College for the beautiful mass, wonderful hospitality and lovely photos (see below).
Holy Week Mass Times
6 April —Holy Thursday
Commemoration of the Lord’s Supper 7pm followed by an hour of Eucharistic Adoration
7 April —Good Friday
1) Stations of the Cross 10am— Church grounds
2) The celebration of the Passion of the Lord 3pm
8 April —Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil Moruya 6pm
9 April —Easter Sunday
8am (Tuross), 10am (Moruya)
All welcome to our Holy Week services at Sacred Heart.
My humble Lord, help me to understand
what it means to be a servant.
Help me to live this humility in my actions.
May the gift of Your most Sacred Body and Blood transform
me into the person You desire me to be.
Jesus, I trust in You.
Wishing you all a happy and holy Easter!
Gen Schofield
Religious Education Coordinator (Acting)
What's been happening in Year 4
Year 4 has had a very busy and engaging term. There have been many highlights including our most recent visit to the Eurobodalla Botanic Gardens last week.
Science - Life Cycles
What a fun unit of work this has been! Students have been exploring how frogs and butterflies change during their life cycles. We have been amazed to see how a simple small egg can transform into a new living creature. Our experiment to see how the wind disperses seeds, tied in beautifully with learning about the life cycle of a eucalypt tree during our excursion to the Eurobodalla Botanic Garden. Our natural environment is truly amazing and learning experiences such as these remind of the importance of taking such great care of it.
This term in Science we have been learning about a life cycle. I have really enjoyed it. My favourite part was studying one of the animals. One we looked at was a cricket. Anikah H
In Science we have been learning about life cycles with different animals e.g. frogs and pandas. First we had to choose an animal, then look at the different stages it goes through and draw a diagram. Abbie H
In Religion we are developing an understanding and appreciation of stewards of earth. The students have been exploring and learning to implement ways to continue the mission of Jesus in our school and community. As stewards of creation we are entrusted with caring for the gifts of creation and preserving them for future generations. We have explored the significance of Lent and Holy Week, whilst focusing on the meaning of each Station of the Cross.
In Religion I have enjoyed learning about God’s marvellous creation and linking this to my favourite place. I chose Moruya because I was born here and I love how the sunset is red, orange and sometimes yellow. It also has perfect beaches! Charnaya T
This term we have been travelling (virtually) to many different countries and continents around the world. After learning about the natural features of our own country Australia, we have travelled to China in Asia, Madagascar in Africa, and Brazil in South America. Each of these countries have their own unique natural landscapes, climate and vegetation as well as many interesting animals. It has been a great unit of work to hone our research and note taking skills.
I have enjoyed learning about the Spiny Forest in Madagascar. Some animals are known to live in the Spiny Forest, such as lemurs and tortoises. The tortoise can live up to 180 years old. The trees in the forest have really spiky thorns as sharp as snake fangs. Liam G
The Spiny Forest is a forest in Madagascar. Some animals such as the radiated tortoise live there and can live up to 180 years. The trees in the forest have amazing spiny leaves and branches perfect for catching rain. Alex S
Year 4 are enjoying Spelling Mastery which takes place for the first 30 minutes of the day. Spelling Mastery is a scripted direct instruction program that helps students understand the relationship between sounds, word parts and spelling patterns. The students are continuing to engage with fast paced, high impact Daily Review lessons. We are being introduced to new vocabulary each day through our Daily Reviews to expand our writing skills.
In writing, we have focused on Persuasive Writing. We know that there are persuasive texts all around us; television and newspaper advertisements, brochures, catalogues, reviews, campaign flyers and many more! I am certain that even we have all tried to be persuasive towards our parents recently! Using the right persuasive techniques, a persuasive text can hook a reader or viewer, engage their emotions, leaving them feeling inspired to take action or change their opinion. We focused our writing piece on beach safety, as without a doubt, I am sure everyone sitting at home knows that beach safety is definitely important!
Year 4 are learning about sizzling starts in writing. Most people wrote horror sizzling starts. “The night the power went out” and “There is a tree in the backyard that eats kids” were the best horror topics. I had so much fun. Thanks Mr Bateman and Mrs Kenny. Benji R
This term we have been learning to write sizzling starts. I have really enjoyed it. For example ‘Boom!I stood in my house alone. I keep hearing something odd. I looked around. Nothing was there.’ It’s probably been my favourite writing to work on. Madelyn M
This term I have enjoyed writing a persuasive text on ‘Beach Safety’. It was very fun because you got to pick the topics on beach safety you would like to write about. It took a long time but I enjoyed it. Lily M
Without a doubt persuasive text writing was my favourite thing we learnt. Would you want to drown in a rip at the beach? Swim between the flags if you don’t want to drown, it’s the safest place to swim! Sam W
I have enjoyed writing sizzling starts. ‘As I felt vibrating footsteps and noises I felt scared and alone. I ran and ran until I was safe’. Anthony M
We have been learning about writing persuasive texts on beach safety. We have been pulling the text apart to see its structure. We put our new vocabulary into our persuasive text to make it stronger. Declan T
We have been learning about sizzling starts in writing. I wrote one about a murder mystery. ‘The moon is up and the sun has said goodnight as the demonic tree woke up hunting for kids’. Sam H
We have been learning to write about persuasive texts on beach safety. Some of the persuasive arguments we learnt about were swimming between the flags, checking the water before entering and wearing sunscreen. Persuasive texts are used to change someone's opinion. Tessa H
It was a dark and stormy night as I was playing my Nintendo and watching scary stories. “BOOM!’The house went pitch black and my dad came into my room with massive candles. Dakota S
In English I have enjoyed writing sizzling starts to engage the reader. Chomp, crunch chomp!. “Ahhhhh!!!” cried the kids as the horrifying tree chased the kids around. Mackenzie H
Daily Review and Explicit Direct Instruction is also a huge part of our Maths curriculum. Students are able to put their learning that has been previously taught into practice through a range of rich activities. We are learning to solve vertical algorithms with three and four digit numbers, exploring place value of numbers up to five digits, comparing and ordering fractions. We are working on our automacy with times tables and turn and then successfully transferring this knowledge when exploring the tricky division concept!
This term we have been learning about sketching 3D shapes e.g. triangular prism, rectangular prism. We have also been learning about multiplication, division, subtraction and addition algorithms. Leroy L
This term in maths I have enjoyed subtraction, addition and multiplication. I like doing graphing because you get to learn about people's favourite colours, animals and footy teams, it’s so much fun. I love doing maths! Bella S
We have done lots of fun activities in maths, learning about multiplication and division, adding and subtracting and drawing 3D shapes. My favourite activity that we worked on was graphing. I collected data from Year 1 students and put the results into a picture graph. Billie B
In Visual Art, the creative vibes have been flowing! Students have enjoyed creating many different artworks throughout the term. Our most recent art piece is without a doubt our Australia Bird Collages! The detail and creativity within each bird is impressive! We have also created graffiti name walls which focused on line, colour and shape. Our photography ‘all about me’ posters were also a favourite where we used edicol dye and black and white imagery. We look forward to creating a Pete Cromer inspired artwork, optical illusions and mixed media picasso faces in Term 2.
In art we recently completed an Australian bird collage. We had many Australian birds to choose from such as a kingfisher, fairy wren, rainbow bee eater and crimson rosella. Once we had finished our birds we painted a colourful background to stick our birds on and make them stand out. I was very impressed with how they turned out. Ellie R
In art we have been making Australian birds. We have been studying their types of colours to see what colours to use. We painted a background and made branches out of black paper then glued it all together. They looked amazing when completed. Liam M
We have been learning about the water conditions and swimming between the flags at the beach. I have learnt that you don’t go in the water without a grown up and that kids can get lost at the beach if they’re not supervised. Gracie P
This term has been amazing! Everything was so interesting, but the biggest standout was PDH. Thanks to Mr Hill and Mrs Grant I went to the Southern Region Carnival in swimming and Mr Hill has really helped me identify how to be beach safe. Matilda W
In health we have been learning about water safety. I have been loving this. It has really got me thinking about how to be safe in the water. Ollie A
Sophie Kenny and Justin Bateman
4 Blue Teachers
This award is an acknowledgment that students have been
outstanding and have gone above and beyond in the
classroom and on the playground!
Kinder B |
Her fantastic effort using known letter sounds to decode words. |
1 Blue |
For demonstrating outstanding knowledge of when to use the ay and ai diagraph in different words. |
2 Blue |
For showing beautiful manners and engagement at our Combined Schools Mass at Carroll College. |
2 Blue |
For excellent engagement and improvement during OT sessions with Mr Ziino. |
2 Maroon |
Typing an excellent list of ‘bossy e’ words independently and sharing this knowledge with his peers during investigation time. |
2 Maroon |
For showing huge improvements in your reading and sight word recall this Term. Way to go Charlotte! |
3 Blue |
Wow! Wow! What a superstar attitude you have towards your learning and helping others around you. This is something you should be proud of. Keep it up! |
3 Blue |
Welcome Milah to St Mary’s. Year 3 are all enjoying getting to know you and you are settling in beautifully. |
4 Blue |
Always taking on new challenges with a positive and confident attitude and big smile. |
5 Blue |
Showing enthusiasm and determination to succeed in all her learning. Amazing efforts Fliss! |
5/6 Maroon |
For producing exceptionally well crafted writing, using adverbs, adjectives and best fit vocabulary words. |
6 Blue |
For consistently applying himself and producing his best work throughout the Term. |
Kinder B |
Being a focussed learner and doing his best at all times. |
1 Blue |
For using descriptive adjectives in her super sentence writing! |
2 Blue |
For offering support, leadership and encouragement with his groups during the Easter Eggstravaganza. |
2 Maroon |
His fantastic engagement and working cooperatively in all our Easter Eggstravaganza activities. Well Done! |
3 Blue |
For being inquisitive with his learning and asking open ended questions to deepen his understanding in English. Brilliant effort keep it up. |
3 Blue |
For having a Red Hot Go with all learning tasks and tracking the teaching during Daily Review. Keep up the the great work. |
4 Blue |
Using descriptive vocabulary in her narrative writing |
5 Blue |
His efforts to do his very best in Maths, in particular, more challenging tasks. Well done Levi! |
5/6 Maroon |
Showing outstanding leadership when engaging with junior members of the school and community during Easter Eggstravaganza STEM activities. |
5/6 Maroon |
Showing outstanding leadership when engaging with junior members of the school and community during Easter Eggstravaganza STEM activities. |
6 Blue |
For demonstrating excellent leadership skills at the Easter Eggstravaganza. |
What a wonderful term of sporting experiences and achievements we have had! From swimming, to AFL gala days to cross country events, it certainly has been full of great opportunities for our students to showcase their skills. I am sure term 2 will again prove to be another busy term with all things sport.
NSWCPS Swimming Sydney
It was a privilege it was to be able to watch 5 of our students swim at the Sydney Olympic Pool last Thursday. All of the students swam so well, representing both St Mary’s and The Canberra Goulburn Diocese proudly. It made the boys all very happy to know they had the support of their friends back at school as classes logged in to watch the live streamed events throughout the day. To reach this level of achievement is an outstanding effort. Congratulations boys!
Leo: ‘Last Thursday I went to Sydney to swim at the Olympic pool at the swimming championships. I swam in the junior relay and 11 years butterfly. There were lots of kids all swimming their best and I was a little nervous sometimes. In the relay, we placed fifth overall and that was pretty cool.’
Oliver: ‘It was a bit scary having so many people in the crowd watching us swim. It was pretty cool swimming at the Olympic pool and having my Mum and Dad watch me.’
Xavier: ‘Before swimming in the relay, I was very nervous because I had never been there before and I was swimming at the Olympic pool. It was really cool making it all the way to Sydney with my friends.’
Spencer: ‘It was a great day but it was a very long day too because I was in one of the very last events for the day which was the IM race. The best thing was that I came first in my heat in the IM.’
Ky: ‘The best thing about swimming at Sydney was that I came 3rd in my heat in 50m Breastroke. I cut 3 seconds off my best in this event. I also beat my freestyle time by about 2 seconds too so I was very happy!’
Cross Country
We were lucky to have a sun shiny day for our school cross country back in week 8. There was lots of involvement and participation for the students, either in the fun run or the competitive 2 km and 3 km races. It was quite a warm day but the children all tried their very best and were determined to finish the long run - some in tutu’s even! A special thanks to the little team of staff helpers who assisted with the set up of tents and heavy lifting before and after carnival. We congratulate the following students who will make up the St Mary’s Cross Country team that will travel to Wolumla on Friday 28. Information regarding the Southern Region Team was sent out via COMPASS earlier this week.
St Mary’s Cross Country Team.
8/9 Girls: Maya C, Indi C, Ashley H, Neiva P, Reign C, Emerson D
8/9 Boys: Xavier E, Patrick W, Beau McD, Hugo D, Alex S, Tane M
10 Girls: Madi C, Elka H, Mackenzie H, Abbie H, Brielle B, Charnaya T-K
10 Boys: Declan T, Spencer S, Dion P, Leo S, Sam H, Sam W
11 Girls: Felicity P, Ava B, Poppi E, Fiona S, Evie G, Lila W,
11 Boys: Mitchell W, Kobi P, Roarke C, Billy I, Ky N, Liam F
12 Girls: Betty D-B, Indi T, Grace R, Lilly M, India-Arie H
12 Boys: Xavier H, Darcy F, Jaxon E, Jake P, Cooper H, Noah D
If your child is unable to attend the SR Cross Country, please be in touch with me asap so that I can fill their spot in the team with the next runner in line. There is a mini bus booked with limited seats available if your child needs transportation, please be in touch if you will need assistance with this.
Soccer Trials
On Monday, Cooper C, Ky N, Darcy F and Betty D-B all travelled to Canberra to trial for the Canberra Goulburn Soccer teams. There were lots of students from across the diocese all vying for a spot on the team. Congratulations to all our soccer players for doing their very best and showing off your impressive skills.
Cooper C: ‘There were a lot of kids - 44 boys all trying to get into a team of 14. We did lots of skills and drills and some of the drills were fun, like the passing and interchange drill. I liked that one the best.’
Betty D-B: ‘The best thing about the soccer trials on Monday was that I made lots of new friends as I only knew one other person there. We did loads of drills and finished off with a small game with the girls.’
Ky N: ‘At soccer on Monday I met some new friends. The best part was being selected in the possible and probable teams to have a short game and then be picked for the final Canberra Goulburn team to play in May.’
Following the trials, Ky N, Darcy F and Betty D-B have been successful in gaining positions into the CG Soccer teams (boys and girls). Congratulations to all the boys and girls on your wonderful efforts.
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, 28 April: Southern Region Cross Country (the first Friday of Term 2).
Wednesday 3 May: NSW Netball Eurobodalla Cup, Broulee. Interested students (boys and girls) to see Mrs Grant to register. (Team selection trials may need to occur at school during lunchtimes for some teams if numbers are too big)
Thursday 11 May: Weyman Shield - Stage 3 Rugby League/League Tag Gala Day, Ack Weyman Oval (details TBC)
Monday 15 May: Canberra Goulburn Rugby Union Trials, Canberra. To register, please go to the CSNSW website. Year 5 and 6 students only who have played Rugby competitively.
Friday 19 May: CG Archdiocesan Cross Country: Mt Stromlo Canberra
Thank you to all parents and friends who have helped at the many sporting events over the course of the term. Your help and support is always invaluable.I am looking forward to all the exciting sporting events planned for Term 2.
Wishing all families and friends a safe, happy and Holy Easter break.
Megan Grant
Sports Coordinator